École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
Physical and Health Education

​​PHE is designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and understandings that students need for lifelong physical health and mental well-being. The PHE curriculum highlights the interconnections between an individual's health and their well-being, the connections between physical and mental health, the importance of positive interpersonal relations, and how interactions with the community affect overall well-being. As well, the PHE curriculum aims to develop students who have the knowledge and confidence to promote their own health and well-being by maintaining healthy habits. Course goals include giving students tools to recognize and change unhealthy behaviours and, at the same time, advocate for the safety, health, and well-being of others. 

PHE supports individuals of all genders. PHE 8-10, Active Living 11/12, and Outdoor Education 11/12, and Fitness and Conditioning 10-12 are co-ed courses. Fitness & Conditioning 10-12 will also offer gendered options (enrollment dependent). By gendering these courses we offer a breadth of opportunity for students to choose where they fit in the most. All courses are open to all genders. However, note that the “girls" class is for cis & trans girls, and non-binary students who feel more comfortable in a space that centers the experience of girls and women; the “boys" class is for cis & trans boys, and non-binary students who feel more comfortable in a space that centers the experience of boys and men.

PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION 8 & 9                                                                                                                                                                                              

Grade 8 & 9 Physical and Health Education (PHE) aim to empower students to develop a personalized understanding of what healthy living means to them as individuals and members of society in the 21st century. The PHE curriculum focuses on well-being — the connections between physical, intellectual, mental, and social health. This approach aligns with those of jurisdictions across Canada and throughout the world to promote a deeper and more holistic understanding of overall health and well-being in students. 

Supplementary Fee: $20.90   

PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION10                                                                                                                                                                                                

The PHE 10 curriculum focuses on well-being — the connections between physical, intellectual, mental, and social health. This approach aligns with those of jurisdictions across Canada and throughout the world to promote a deeper and more holistic understanding of overall health and well-being in students. Students will continue to develop in the area of lifelong physical activity and new individual and dual activities are introduced. Students will also learn basic first aid. 

Supplementary fee: $31.35


Outdoor Education 11/12 is a senior Physical & Health Education elective available to students in grade 11 and/or grade 12. 

A particular emphasis will be placed on physical fitness, knowledge, and skills to participate safely and effectively in outdoor pursuits. Students will learn valuable survival and outdoor skills, develop leadership and teamwork skills, gain an understanding of environmental stewardship, and develop an appreciation for nature. 

Supplementary fee: $182.85

  • During class time, students will participate in a number of outdoor educational experiences and learn about active living within their natural surroundings. For example, hiking, team-building activities, and skill development in our nearby green spaces, parks, and trails.
  • Students will get an introduction to backcountry navigation and Wilderness First Aid.
  • ​Students will be responsible to supply their own suitable outdoor clothing and equipment for class activities.
  • Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of field trips, such as hiking, back-packing, indoor rock climbing & bouldering, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking, stand-up paddle-boarding, as well as overnight backcountry camping trips. Field trips are offered at an added cost.​

More information on the course can be found here: ​Outdoor Education 11 & 12

If you would like to join the course, please fill out the following application by Feb. 28th: Outdoor Education Application ​


Fitness & Conditioning courses are for students in Grade 10, 11 and 12. Fitness and Conditioning courses present the valuable opportunity to form a lifelong foundation of personal fitness and a healthy lifestyle. They are offered as both co-ed classes and gendered classes. Anyone is able to take the course they feel most comfortable in (see PHE overview for a detailed description). 

Students will gain an understanding of fitness theory, applied musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology, and nutrition. Students will learn training principles and apply these toward the development and implementation of a strength and conditioning program to meet their own specific interests and goals. As outlined below, classes may be held both at Argyle and at the Karen Magnussen Rec Centre weight room. Transportation to and from classes at the Rec Centre is the responsibility of the student. Walking, carpooling and public transportation are options and the responsibility of the student to execute. 

Supplementary fee: $41.80

Classes are offered yearly in the following breakdown, pending enrolment:

  • Grade 10 Boys-Grade 10 Girls
  • ​Grade 10 Co-Ed
  • 11/12 Boys
  • 11/12 Girls
  • 11/12 Co-Ed
  • 11/12 Co-Ed X Block


Grade 10 classes use the school Fitness Centre. A supplemental fee of $41.80 covers the cost of field trips and additional instructors such as:

Griffins Boxing; Salted Cycle; Skating; CrossFit; Innovative Fitness; Yoga; NVRC (weight room, swimming, fitness classes).

Field trips/booking instructors is up to the discretion of the class teacher.


Grade 11/12 X-Block Classes will use the school Fitness Centre. A supplemental fee of $41.80 covers the cost of field trips and additional instructors such as:

Griffins Boxing; Salted Cycle; Skating; CrossFit; Innovative Fitness; Yoga; NVRC (weight room, swimming, fitness classes).

Field trips/booking instructors is up to the discretion of the class teacher.


Grade 11/12 Classes may use Karen Magnussen Fitness Centre and are required to purchase a fitness pass from the North Vancouver Recreation Commission (at a pro-rated cost of approx. $25/month). The NVRC pass can be used both during and outside of class time and for other regularly scheduled sessions offered through the NVRC. Depending on course enrolment and timetabling, 11/12 classes may also be based out of Argyle. 

A supplemental fee of $41.80 covers the cost of field trips such as: Griffins Boxing; Salted Cycle; Skating; CrossFit; Innovative Fitness; Yoga; Swimming.

Field trips/booking instructors is up to the discretion of the class teacher.


Basketball Academy 8-12 is an Enhanced program with the North Vancouver School District.  Subject to enrollment, the Academy will use Argyle as one of its sites.   Basketball Academy develops knowledge, skills & fitness through a variety of activities with a specific emphasis on basketball training and development.  Students will learn to identify and explain the effects of exercise on the body systems before, during, and after exercise.  It is expected that students will demonstrate a personal functional level of personal fitness and positive personal and social behaviour.  Basketball Academy provides a PHE course credit at the student grade level. Application to and information about this Academy can be found on North Vancouver School District Website under Programs and Services

Supplementary fee:  $1500.00​


École Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca